Community Initiatives Fund Update

Good news!  We have just received notification from the Community Initiatives Fund that panel members voted to approve our application for the Bell Meadow Playground Project by awarding us £10,000

Essex County Council set up the Community Initiative Fund, aimed at supporting communities across Essex to provide local communities with the opportunity to directly prioritise, enhance, develop and grow local capability, thereby making a real difference in villages, towns and communities across the County.  
We are delighted that, with this funding along with the National Lottery Grant, plus our fundraising efforts and the generous community and business donations our project total now stands at £25,509so, we can go ahead with creating the Bell Meadow Playground
Some additional funding for fencing, bins etc will still need to be raised and we are awaiting news regarding a grant for picnic benches.  But 2021 will see a playground at Bell Meadow.
Anyway, that’s all for now.    
Have a good weekend.