Neighbourhood Watch

A group of village residents have re-launched the Neighbourhood Watch initiative in the village. They have now set up a network of 11 Neighbourhood Watch groups in Woodham Walter each managed by a local co-ordinator, where we all communicate via Whatsapp. These groups are then connected to one overall group which allows oversight of potential and actual crimes in the village.

One thing criminals hate is “nosy neighbours” and with Whatsapp we have the system to inform each other in the village. If you are the victim of a crime or you are just suspicious, however trivial please do the following:-

  1. Take note of what has happened – location and if applicable brief description of individuals and vehicle type, colour registration etc involved.
  2. If it is an emergency dial 999 or if it is a non emergency 101 to inform the police however trivial it seems or on line at
  3. Via Whatsapp inform your local Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator (if you are not yet part of a Whatsapp group please contact via the below e-mail address to be put in contact with your local co-ordinator).

Compared to other villages Woodham Walter is a low crime village however we all need to now step up in order that we stay the happy safe community that we all love.

Woodham Walter Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator