Policy Documents

The council maintains many documents and policies for the running and organisation of the parish. Those documents are available for all to access from this site.

More information on the Transparency Code can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-transparency-code-2015

Woodham Walter Parish Council’s documents are reviewed as required through the year and at least on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting in May.

All Policy documents listed below are held in our OneDrive which can be viewed here: Policy Documents for Website

  • Action Plan
  • Annual Contributions to Local Organisations
  • Banking Policy
  • Biodiversity Policy
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Climate Action Statement
  • Code of Conduct
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Council’s Complaints Procedure
  • Crime & Disorder Policy
  • Data Breach Process
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Dispensation
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Financial Regulations
  • Financial Risk Assessment
  • Fixed Assets Policy
  • Freedom of Information – Costs of Compliance
  • Freedom of Information – Model Publication Scheme
  • Freedom of Information – Woodham Walter Parish Council
  • Grievance & Disciplinary Policy
  • Grants Application
  • Grants Policy
  • Investment Strategy
  • Media Policy
  • Neighbour Consultations Policy
  • Privacy Notice
  • Public Forum Planning Processes
  • Recordings at Parish Council Meetings
  • Reserves Policy
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Staff Appraisal Policy
  • Staffing Committee TOR
  • Standing Orders
  • Training & Development Policy
  • Tree Policy
  • Virtual Meeting Protocols